We personally request current financial information from the company to be valued and check that it is up to date.
We not only evaluate key financial figures, but also prepare well-founded financial analyses – far beyond the standard. ………
Our financial analyses are free of standardization and deliver meaningful results.
Wir analysieren internationale Finanzinformationen von internationalen Lieferanten und Unternehmen.
Goal: early detection of economic imbalances even before they are reflected in key figures. Now as a workshop!
With our network partners, we create added value for our customers and their suppliers for stable delivery performance.
From requests for financial analysis to the finished report, all in one digital process.
of all participants and elaboration of further information needs.
and plausibility checks of statements by our financial experts.
and processing of the results in line with requirements.
FRA-Services AG
Löffelstraße 4, 70597 Stuttgart
© 2023 FRA-Services AG